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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30 | Sat, Sun - Closed 5500 Avenue Royalmount suite 110, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1H7 1-866-755-2583 info@bluehatmarketing.com

January 2015

There are many business owners who erroneously conclude that blogging is futile and a waste of time. We couldn’t disagree more! A business blog could be used to provide topical information to existing clients, prospective clients, and anyone else who wants to listen. In today’s online landscape, it’s simply essential both for enhancing SEO and user experience. What are the advantages of professional blogging? · Blogging allows you to interact and have a direct conversation with your readers. · Through a blog you

As the influence of social media continues to grow exponentially, no business can hide from reviewers. Every business at one time or another has experienced a negative review. Usually these reviews are seen as a hostile act or an attempt to tarnish the reputation of a business. We believe that a negative review does not always have to be a bad thing. In fact, we argue that all reviews can be used to help a business improve management and processes that

SEO is a constantly changing industry. Search engines are constantly updating and adjusting their algorithms and SEO practitioners have to constantly try new strategies and modify their approach. The best SEO companies rely on detailed research focused on discerning trends and patterns in search engine rankings. Although SEO practitioners often disagree about the relative importance of various factors in site rankings, there is a general consensus on which factors do play a part: - Keywords in the domain name - Keywords in the

What is SEO? At the most basic level it is a process, a series of planned and executed steps that lead to a website being optimized to rank highly on search engines. We cannot overemphasize the point that SEO is an ongoing process; it is not something you do once and then forget about. While an intensive period of attention to your site’s optimization factors can lay a solid foundation and get you off to a proper start, if you do

As a business owner, you might have been faced with this question on many occasions: is SEO something you should tackle internally? Or should you outsource your SEO to an external company? Time and time again, the facts point to a clear decision: you should definitely outsource your SEO to a professional and reputable agency. After all, the average business will have a limited amount of hours per week that it can invest into marketing itself. There will always be other

To acquire a strong ranking position, a website should be tailored to resonate with a search engine’s algorithms. These algorithms are based on a complex series of factors, and can be defined as a method or formula that analyzes and calculates variables in order to value and rank sites. Creating and updating these algorithms is a science, and so is responding to them in order to rank a website highly on search engines. While there is no full-proof formula for ranking

BlueHat Marketing has been consistently ranked as the top Canadian SEO and web design firm by independent industry authorities. This is largely due to the fact that we understand the importance of user experience when it comes to web design and development. Below are some of our guidelines when it comes to designing a site that is both attractive to search engines and users alike. Good quality graphics help create a good first impression. When it comes to websites, first impressions are