SEO Tips for E-Commerce: What to do with Unavailable Products
If your e-commerce store has a product that has been discontinued or is out of stock, do you know what you should do with the page, from an SEO perspective? Should you create a 404 error page? Keep the product page active even though the product is no longer available? Use an automatic redirect to send users to a similar product? These are questions that a number of e-commerce stores face each day, especially when they may have a product page
What’s the Best Approach for SEO: Generalist or Specialist?
While the role of an SEO professional is still to drive organic traffic and increase organic revenue, the methods that are used have changed quite a bit, making it necessary for these professionals to acquire additional skills to continue seeing results. Today, the SEO professional has to act and think like a creative marketer, digital strategist, user experience advocate, content developer and even cheerleader if you plan to survive the ever-changing landscape of SEO. As a result of this information, there
Web Design Tips: The CSS Inline-Block Display Type
When working with CSS, the usage of floats is a great tool for special situations. However, floating an HTML element in CSS presents its own series of complications when working with elements in a complex layout - floated elements are considered to be rendered out of the flow of the rest of the document markup. Managing margins and positioning within a complex layout can be quite frustrating and time consuming when trying to manage the simple alignment and behavior of
What does Google’s Algorithm Change Mean for Your Small Business?
As a small business owner, you should be aware of how much Google can influence your success. You should also know that Google is constantly adapting its search algorithms to both improve its services and reflect trends in technology and society. This past Tuesday, Google rolled out new changes to their search algorithm that will have major effects on how businesses are ranked on mobile phones. So what do these changes mean for your small business? Well, it depends on what
Speed up Your Website’s Load Time and Make it Mobile Friendly
If there is anything users hate more than a slow website, we have yet to find it. Studies have shown that a website that takes more than 5 seconds to load is basically dead in the water. When your site spends ages loading up, and your user sits there waiting, you can bet that they are going to be taking their business elsewhere. Website speed isn’t just important for your user experience, it is now essential to Google’s SEO algorithm as
Fixing Your URL: SEO’s Best Kept Secret
The internet is a truly wondrous tool. Being able to just type a few letters into a bar, click search, and then see a uniform list of results all directly related to the words you just typed in is a luxury that few of us could live without. What’s even better is being able to just type a few letters into the bar, add in .com at the end, and with the click of the button be whisked away to
More SEO Mistakes You Need to Stop Making Now!
Ask any SEO expert about a certain issue for your website, and we can guarantee that you'll get a few different answers. That’s the beauty of it. SEO is an extremely complex and often indecipherable art that is constantly evolving, so pinpointing exactly what to do and how to do it is extremely difficult. In the end though, there are many things that us SEO experts agree on that are absolutely necessary to the success of a website when it comes
2 Major SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them
No matter what your business is, it is important to adapt your strategies as the world around you changes, and not doing so severely decreases your SEO power. There are some egregious mistakes that many are still making in their SEO strategies. Being an outdated SEO strategist is a hindrance to the earning potential of freelancers and businesses alike. So let’s look at 2 major SEO mistakes that you may still be making, and how to fix them quickly. Bad: targeting
3 Reasons Why Local SEO is Important
In our last piece, we covered a few topics about local SEO: what it is, why you need it, and a few quick tips to shore yours up. Even after that lengthy and informative post, we still do not believe that we were able to cover in enough depth how important it is for your business to work on their local SEO marketing. The good ol’ fashioned eye test is a great place to start with our analysis of a new
How to Improve Your Local SEO: Get Noticed where it Matters Most.
In today’s world, we are more interconnected than we have ever been. Our digital devices and telecommunications technology weave a web of interconnectivity that is starting to blur the line between real and digital. Thankfully, though, most things are still based in the real world. Yes, that great, big, and sometimes scary world outside the window from where your computer is. That is where majority of revenue lies. It is no wonder then that so many companies are now starting to look