SEO Tips for E-Commerce: 5 Critical SEO Mistakes
When it comes to e-commerce, proper SEO is a crucial aspect of a business’ success. As a matter of fact, the difference between success and failure of an online business hinges largely on the avoidance or correction of certain common errors. One major mistake comes from the mindset of many online business owners. Often times, people that start up a site have the idea that they could just list tons of products on their site and start getting traffic. Many people
Google’s Game Changer: “Buy” Buttons Are Coming Soon
The next major step in Google’s bid for world domination is set to materialize in the coming weeks. Have you ever wished that you could just search for something in Google, and immediately buy it without having to deal with an annoying middle man? Well, soon you will be able to do just that. Google has said that in the coming weeks, they will begin displaying “buy” buttons with ads next to select products in the mobile search results, allowing you
Bing’s Mobile-friendly Update to Differ from Google’s
Microsoft isn’t a company that is used to being outdone by anyone at anything. That’s why when Google, the company with the lion’s share of the search market, rolled out their “mobilegeddon” algorithm changes, we were well aware that Bing’s was going to be right behind it. Both companies seem to be acknowledging the shift toward the dominance of the mobile advertising market - one that is expected to break the $100 billion in spending mark this year. Unlike their competitor
2015 SEO Tips from the Pros: Improve your WordPress SEO
WordPress is by far the most popular (and in our opinion the best) blogging platform that you can use for your business. Other than being free, it has plenty of easy-to-use tools for you to get started with, and on top of it all, it is easy to work with even if you have no knowledge about how to build a website or deal with SEO. WordPress is a great tool for your business blog, web shop, or even company website.
Dominating the New Local SEO Landscape: The Business Blog Edition
In the modern SEO world, it is a given fact that maintaining a website and investing in local SEO is a basic requirement for any company that wants to be successful. But the old days of simply being there and using a few keywords are long gone. Many people have already taken advantage of building and maintaining a local SEO oriented blog, and since 97% of respondents said that they used the internet when researching local products in a recent survey
How to Use the Right Keywords to Optimize Your E-Commerce Website
Many experienced internet entrepreneurs have an intricate and delicate relationship with one of the most important aspects of E-Commerce: keywords. Keywords have been traditionally known to be one of the most important driving factors of search engine optimization. However, you may ask yourself, as the internet, and search engines, shifts and changes, are your keywords being left in the dust? Could it be that your site, which was a top ranker years ago, simply isn't as well-optimized as it used
Google Expands Its Features: Order Food, Make Appointments, and More!
In its never-ending quest to be the absolute best at everything, Google has made some convenient changes that will help searchers do a whole lot more when they use the search engine to look for something. Bing released a similar service at the beginning of this year where users could order food through their website. Google, never one to be outdone, followed suit, and now offers you the ability to place orders at restaurants, make reservations, and book appointments. What exactly are
Mobilegeddon: What Google’s Algorithm Change Tells Us About E-commerce
Google has recently fully rolled out its much-awaited (and feared) algorithm change that essentially enforces the old adage “you are either with us, or against us.” The new update either makes you mobile friendly or not mobile friendly. New criteria have become increasingly important, while others have become relics of times past. So what do these changes tell us about E-commerce? Constant monitoring and maintenance is essential One of most overlooked aspects of a business is maintenance. When you are at the
Expert Tips: 3 More Social Media Marketing Mistakes
The most recent estimates put the number of social media users at 2.1 billion people worldwide, making it by far one of the most lucrative platforms for reaching customers. The ability to engage customers, target ads, create a brand, and manage a following has turned the traditional world of business on its head and made a lot of unsuspecting nerdy people rich (and some poor, too). Even with all of the advancements and changes in the social marketing world, there are
Expert Tips: How to Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly
Website owners and SEO experts pay very close attention when Google announce changes to their algorithms. Since these changes will impact how websites are designed and the type of content that’s posted on them, we should seek to understand the modifications clearly so that they can respond accordingly. One of Google’s most recent changes is specifically geared toward mobile devices, and is commonly known in the industry as “Mobilegeddon.” To ensure that you are in complete compliance with these new algorithm