How to Convert Mobile Visitors into Customers
Here are 3 great tactics for driving sales. As most of the world knows now, more traffic is driven to e-commerce websites via mobile these days than any other way. This is strange, considering that conversion rates are quite low in comparison to the amount of traffic driven. This could be for any number of reasons. It could even be as simple as difficulties with using the payment processor on a smartphone, but it doesn’t take away the fact that converting
The Importance of Site Performance
Why you need to make sure your site is up to speed. There is always much ado about Google’s super secretive algorithm, and how we can best adapt our web pages to it. In recent times, though, Google and other search engines have moved away from the science of SEO, and have incorporated more of the art of the craft. By art we mean more of the quasi-intangible factors that go into SEO. The two main aspects they’ve improved on in
A New Panda Update is Rolling Out Slowly: Are You Ready?
It seems like Google can’t go more than a few months without putting out a new update named after a cuddly endangered animal. Way back in September of last year, Google rolled out the Panda 4.1 update that changed some rankings. While some sites saw their rankings take a dip, others were unaffected. The new changes will be the 29th such update in Google’s short history. The good news is that it will take some time to be fully implemented, so
AdWords Now Shows Ratings Stars in Search
Ratings from your Google My Business Page can now automatically be seen in ads. Supporting your local business with a mix of organic and paid SEO is crucial to your success. That is no secret. But recently Google has been rolling out some game changers that are going to make the local market that much more competitive. As always, those who put out quality products and services should do nothing but benefit. Now, if you have local extensions enabled in AdWords, you