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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30 | Sat, Sun - Closed 5500 Avenue Royalmount suite 110, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1H7 1-866-755-2583 info@bluehatmarketing.com

September 2015

There are plenty of old sayings that people repeat on a daily basis: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, or don’t bark up the wrong tree. Today we are going to examine one of our personal favorites: don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Just ask Detroit, and the rest of the rust belt how things work out when you build your foundation on one

You can say a lot about Google, but make no mistake that they are hard at work every day trying to come up with ways to make their service better. The little search engine that could has come a long way, and now dominates life on the internet. Their continual dedication to personalizing services, and adding new functions to cater to people’s specific desires has taken another step forward. Google has officially made improvements to the Explore function of their

By now we all know that blogging is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to grow your audience and business. According to a major study done by a New York City tech firm, approximately 70% of consumers learned about a new company through reading their blog posts rather than through paid advertising. It goes without saying that blog posts are far more enjoyable to read than a paid advertisement. For one, they are passive rather than

Everyone is in business to make money. We all might say we have other reasons, and a lot of them might be true. Some of us like the feeling of accomplishment, others enjoy the feeling of power, but it all boils down to being able to make a living. So nobody holds it against companies, websites or other entities when they try to make a few bucks. That is, besides Google. It seems like they dominate the news, but that

Everyone has a story to tell is an old adage on something that is very true about both people and businesses. Each one is unique, and is what it is because of many different factors leading up to the present day. One great thing about a good story is that it sells. People have been telling each other stories since long before we were able to write them down. Your company tells them, your children tell them(not usually true ones),