The Three Keys to Successful Mobile Marketing
It has been predicted that the number of global smartphone users will surpass two billion in 2016. This means that marketing departments are still scrambling to tweak their campaigns, messages, strategies and budgets to better reflect the importance of mobile advertising. The glut of information available on the web makes it difficult to tell valuable advice from what is outdated or misinformed. Everyone seems to be an expert these days on being “mobile-friendly,” and jargon like infinite scroll, responsive design, interstitials
The Most Important Off-Page SEO Factor: Trust
Trust is important in all relationships. You need to be honest, open, and communicative with anyone if you hope to ever have a lasting relationship. We aren’t talking about your significant other here, though. We’re talking about your customers. Not meeting someone face-to-face or being able to see their operation requires a leap of faith of sorts when it comes to e-commerce. The best way to assuage that fear is by building trust on the web. In fact, trust is
3 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Web Traffic
It used to cost a lot of time, money, and effort to build a physical location to run a business, and even then you’d have to be in a visible spot alongside of the road to be lucky enough to get traffic without heavy marketing spend. These days, you can set up a website, get hosting, and start getting customers for a fraction of the cost. But much like a store located in a back alley without advertisements, a website that