Why Your Business Needs Great Web Design—and the Stats to Prove it
There is no greater asset to your company than a beautifully designed website. Stunning design engages visitors, keeps them on your site longer, and helps push them down your sales funnel. To help you understand how BlueHat’s web design team helps to increase sales, we’ve compiled some recent stats from across the web on how web design and SEO work together to grow your company We’ve entered an age where making a company website is easier than ever before. With 81%
Toronto Web Design SEO Checklist: How to Make Your Business Rank in the Local Area
The Facts: 77% of agencies believe poor web design is a client weakness 38% of customers will stop engaging with a site if the layout is unattractive Mobile devices account for nearly 2 out of 3 seconds spent Online Ranking your Toronto company Online is the fastest and most affordable way to grow your business; but what good is it if the website doesn’t convert visitors to customers? Great web design for desktop and mobile is the key to building trust,
The State of SEO in 2017: 3 Stats for Understanding the New Value of SEO
Contrary to some of the negativity floating around the web from people who’ve done it wrong, or from companies who didn’t get the results they expected, SEO is not dead; in fact, it is alive and thriving. With total SEO-related spend to reach $80 billion by 2020, there’s a major reason why so many companies are investing in promoting their business Online: it works. Even with Penguin, Panda, Polar Bear, or any other mammalian name Google cooks up to denote its
3 Search Behaviour Statistics That Prove the Value of SEO in 2017
With all of the focus on paid ads, keywords, link building, and local listings, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there’s one thing that truly drives the trends behind anything and everything search engine related: the searchers themselves. Much like athletes giving a shout-out to all of their fans at the end of a gruelling season, we in the SEO community would like to thank the searchers for all of the support that they give us each week. Without them, this
New Google Update Rocks the SEO World—Google Still Quiet
A mysterious update has sent shockwaves throughout the web over the last few days, but Google isn’t ready to comment yet. Find out how it could affect your site in this blog. Google updates its algorithm hundreds, even thousands of times per year, but most of the tweaks they make have very little effect on anyone. Every once in a while, though, an update earthquake shakes the ground across the web, leaving many unsuspecting sites lying in the rubble. As long as
3 SEO Statistics in 2017 and How They Affect Your Business
After the wild ride that was 2016 in terms of marketing trends, many business owners have since wondered what changes or new movements would start to bubble up and become the norm in 2017. Some remarkable statistics are in that will change the way you think about SEO, and, if you haven’t already done so, change your mind about the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts. In this blog, we will share some astonishing SEO statistics from 2017 and get right
Toronto’s Tech Boom: Canada’s Silicon Valley
Toronto’s Tech Boom: Canada’s Silicon Valley Educated urban creatives, hi-tech infrastructure, forward-thinking entrepreneurial spirit, start-ups fuelling business innovation; all of these descriptive phrases are the perfect way to describe the thriving economy of Silicon Valley, California—except we’re talking about Toronto, Ontario. It might not have the same glitz and glamour, mild winters, or household names like Google (though real estate prices probably aren’t that far off), but Toronto is quickly becoming one of the world’s leading tech centres. A fair helping of
What to Look For in a Toronto SEO Company
When most people think of world centres of business, they think of the big names: New York, London, or Singapore. Well, Toronto ranks right up there with them, at least according to a recent study done on cities for business opportunity. In terms of being business friendly, the ease of starting a business, and promoting an entrepreneurial environment, “T.O” ranks in the top ten worldwide. So, as an entrepreneur, you’ve already got the best location in the country. Now, all you
SEO for Local Businesses: how to rank your business in Toronto
Quick hit: as more and more customers take to the web to find the products and services they need, the number of companies investing in local SEO is increasing rapidly. This article will teach you everything you need to know to get started on the road to the first page of Google in your local area Toronto: Canada’s burgeoning economic engine. Its people are diverse, dynamic, and tech-savvy. If you can’t find it here, then you probably can’t find it anywhere
SEO Services in Toronto: How BlueHat Marketing Builds Your Online Presence
Quick hit: New customer leads obtained by search engine optimization are more than 8x more effective than traditional ones. Still, success in a competitive market like Toronto takes in-depth research, comprehensive analysis, and a dedication to measuring success and adapting to change. Find out how BlueHat Marketing’s SEO services can help customers in the local area find you Online SEO used to be as simple as finding a few keywords, putting a website up, and waiting for the traffic to roll