Expert Tips: How to Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly
Website owners and SEO experts pay very close attention when Google announce changes to their algorithms. Since these changes will impact how websites are designed and the type of content that’s posted on them, we should seek to understand the modifications clearly so that they can respond accordingly.
One of Google’s most recent changes is specifically geared toward mobile devices, and is commonly known in the industry as “Mobilegeddon.” To ensure that you are in complete compliance with these new algorithm changes, you’ll want to review the following content-related tips for mobile platforms.
Focus on Clarity
It is important to make sure that you are focused on clarity in your message. Headlines, for example must be clear, concise and compelling. Even though these same rules apply to websites in all forms, they are of particular relevance to the mobile format. This is because mobile phones have limited real estate in which to post a title, and it must be used to maximum effect.
Consider the URL and Mobile Friendly Updates
In addition to the changes Google recently implemented for mobile devices, business owners should also be aware of the changes that were also announced about URLs. These changes seek to ensure a more intuitive breadcrumb URL structure. Therefore, website owners should structure their site’s data accordingly. This means you will need to have a rich Schema tag. These tags are designed to assist with improving relevance, providing a clearer navigation solution, while also generating more engagement among mobile users.
Reposition Call to Action to the Top of the Content
Website owners should think in terms of the limited space and reaction time of users when they are preparing their content. To make sure the call to action is mobile friendly, it should be positioned towards the beginning instead of the end.
Use Short Paragraphs
Reading information on a mobile device can easily become a daunting task when people have to read large blocks of text at time. To avoid these problems, make sure each paragraph is short and to the point. When the paragraphs contain only a few sentences, it makes it much easier for the viewer to read. Bullets and lists are also encouraged as mobile-friendly formats for posting content.
To a certain extent, these tips can work for any site, but they are most relevant to the mobile world. Since mobile search is growing faster every day, it’s important to keep these issues in mind at all times when designing websites.
For help with optimizing your site for mobile platforms, contact the experts at BlueHat Marketing.