Why SEO is Great For Small Businesses
Many small business owners are hesitant to begin SEO campaigns because they don’t think they can compete with the big names. As it turns out, the new SEO landscape puts the power in the hands of small businesses, and makes it more appealing than ever to start. The front page of the Google SERP can be intimidating to someone with a small business. Staring it down often makes them feel like SEO is an impossible uphill battle against an entrenched foe
Social Media For SEO: The To-do List
By now you are aware that SEO and social media are inseparable. Experts in the industry even go so far as to say that social is the new SEO. There’s a probably a generous teaspoon of hyperbole mixed in for flavour with that statement, but what can’t be denied is that the two complement each other well and when you do social right, your SEO benefits. Think about some of the direct benefits that it provides: Social profiles provide valuable links
SEO Statistics That You Might Not Know Of
SEO may have changed drastically from where it was just a few years ago, but it has only become more important as the years have gone by. Not only have the techniques necessary to get to the top of the search engine results page evolved, but so have users’ habits when searching. Not long ago, having the right keywords in the right places was enough to get you what you wanted. Nowadays you often have to use multiple strategies in conjunction
Proof that SEO is More Important than Ever
From the moment that search engines revolutionized the way that information was found on the web, companies realized the importance of crafting their web presence to appear at the top of their results pages. With that, search engine optimization was born. As algorithms, user tendencies, and searching habits have changed, so too has the art of SEO changed with it. New trends come and go, new rules are implemented and updated, and new technologies change the industry in the blink of
Google Statistics That Prove the Value of SEO in 2016
The art of search engine optimization is meant to get web pages to one of the top spots on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Companies that dedicate time to researching keywords, producing content and performing SEO tactics on their web pages and social media are at a huge advantage over competition, but just how much? Recent case studies have proven the value of SEO in 2016. The amount of clicks and traffic gained by the top spots is staggering. Just
The Secret Ways That Google Analyzes Your Website
Google’s algorithm is a lot like gravity: we can’t see it, and we can only make inferences about it based on its effects on other things, but it controls the universe and keeps everything in place. Despite this secrecy, most experts are aware of the ways that Google analyzes and ranks web content. We all know that keywords, good structure, proper headers, and links are key ingredients to great SEO soup, but most are not aware of the secret ways that
3 Ways to Jumpstart Your SEO Before Your New Site is Ready
You’ve already come up with a killer idea that is going to change the world of business as we know it, have paid a developer to build you a great new website, and your business plan is in motion. All you are waiting on is for your site to be finished so you can start to SEO it and bathe in the new customers that will come rolling in. Awesome! Is that all? No. Even if your website isn’t ready, you
Improve Your Content in 3 Easy Steps
We could spend an entire series on why quality content matters. Between Google updates, user experience, keyword rankings, brand building, and lead generation, content is clearly king on the modern web. In fact, 76% of marketers are increasing investment in content marketing these days, and 91% of the top business blogs are publishing fresh content weekly or more often. So we know why content and content marketing strategies are important, but what is lost is how to create great content. You
Your New Website Checklist
We all know how important a website is, but what most aren’t aware of are the specific factors that make a new website a valuable tool for your business. In fact, the majority of business owners go into the process blind, and simply ask someone to make them a website. Whether you are building your first site or moving an old one to a newly updated version, there are some things you should do to make sure it is up
The Content Metrics That Really Matter: How to Tell if Your Content is Working
We all know that unique, engaging, and useful content is the most powerful tool at your disposal when trying to expand your reach, build your business, and ultimately generate revenue. Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads into your sales funnel than traditional outbound marketing practices, which means more and more companies are in the race to rev up their content marketing efforts. But how can you tell if what you have is what readers want to see, and how can