Why Quality Web Content Matters (and How Google Recognizes it)
In the old days, back when Ask Jeeves had all the answers and Yahoo was the search engine of choice, SEO was a one-dimensional tool that involved plugging in keywords virtually anywhere. It didn’t have to flow seamlessly or even be coherent. You probably remember the days when the items that showed up in your search weren’t the least bit related to what you were looking for. Google has changed all that. In the past decade, our searches have grown exponentially
How to Dominate Google This Holiday Season: Local SEO Guide to a Very Profitable Holiday
With the holiday season coming just around the corner, companies are jockeying for position across the web. With B2C and B2B customers sales more profitable than ever, you don’t want to miss out on your slice of the more than 100 million consumers that will be looking to buy online this holiday season. This quick guide will give you 5 actionable tips that will instantly help you become more visible and make more sales. Local SEO and the Holidays: the Cold
3 Conversion Elements You Might Be Missing (And Why Targeted Traffic is EVERYTHING)
Getting your customers to buy starts with actually driving them to your site. The main goal of SEO is increasing your visibility and bringing more visitors to your company’s page. But not all traffic is created equal, and what good are visitors if they don’t end up buying? In this blog, we will cover why targeting the right customers is everything and three important conversion elements that you can’t forget about (but probably are!). The process of converting customers begins with
The State of SEO in 2017: 3 Stats for Understanding the New Value of SEO
Contrary to some of the negativity floating around the web from people who’ve done it wrong, or from companies who didn’t get the results they expected, SEO is not dead; in fact, it is alive and thriving. With total SEO-related spend to reach $80 billion by 2020, there’s a major reason why so many companies are investing in promoting their business Online: it works. Even with Penguin, Panda, Polar Bear, or any other mammalian name Google cooks up to denote its
3 Search Behaviour Statistics That Prove the Value of SEO in 2017
With all of the focus on paid ads, keywords, link building, and local listings, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there’s one thing that truly drives the trends behind anything and everything search engine related: the searchers themselves. Much like athletes giving a shout-out to all of their fans at the end of a gruelling season, we in the SEO community would like to thank the searchers for all of the support that they give us each week. Without them, this
New Google Update Rocks the SEO World—Google Still Quiet
A mysterious update has sent shockwaves throughout the web over the last few days, but Google isn’t ready to comment yet. Find out how it could affect your site in this blog. Google updates its algorithm hundreds, even thousands of times per year, but most of the tweaks they make have very little effect on anyone. Every once in a while, though, an update earthquake shakes the ground across the web, leaving many unsuspecting sites lying in the rubble. As long as
3 SEO Statistics in 2017 and How They Affect Your Business
After the wild ride that was 2016 in terms of marketing trends, many business owners have since wondered what changes or new movements would start to bubble up and become the norm in 2017. Some remarkable statistics are in that will change the way you think about SEO, and, if you haven’t already done so, change your mind about the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts. In this blog, we will share some astonishing SEO statistics from 2017 and get right
3 Mistakes That Hurt Your SEO
So you’re ready to take the search engine results page over and start growing your business. You’ve written great copy that perfectly describes your products and their benefits, tagged everything from your H1s to your images like you were having a going-out-of-business sale, and started brainstorming great content ideas that will have customers coming back for more. Great! Except it isn’t working. Try as you might, your rankings are sinking and your competitors are basking in the glow of the top
Google’s Upcoming Mobile-friendly Update Will Shake Things Up
User experience. Those two words hold a tremendous amount of importance to e-commerce professionals. User experience (or UX) is how the user interacts with a website, with major factors being page speed, layout, colour scheme and text spacing - among others. Despite being such a powerful force in the online the world, a page’s loading speed has never directly influenced SEO rankings via Google’s algorithm – but that’s about to change. Google’s next mobile-friendly update will introduce page loading time as
Store Visits From AdWords Top 1 Billion Mark
Anyone involved in local SEO can rattle off a number of well-researched statistics straight off the top of their head. The most important of those being: “50% of local searches lead to in-store visits within one day.” Local search is much more in-the-moment, and it’s obviously easier to get to a brick-and-mortar location that’s right down the road. But organic search, despite its position as a vital part of SEO, is not alone on the search engine results page. Google AdWords,