Google Launches New Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool
Over the last few years, mobile has gone from the new and trendy SEO darling to the most important person on campus. The rookie has quickly become the superstar, and everyone needs to take notice. If your site doesn’t have a version that caters to mobile users, then not only will you be penalized by Google, users won’t want anything to do with you. Google has provided a web tool that lets you know just how friendly you are to its
Your New Website Checklist
We all know how important a website is, but what most aren’t aware of are the specific factors that make a new website a valuable tool for your business. In fact, the majority of business owners go into the process blind, and simply ask someone to make them a website. Whether you are building your first site or moving an old one to a newly updated version, there are some things you should do to make sure it is up
How to Rank on the Front Page of Google: what factors matter for page 1
The top few spots on Google’s search engine results page are golden territory for any company’s website. After all, the #1 ranking gets 33% of all search engine traffic. That means getting there should be every site’s goal. But with a book full of ranking factors, and information shrouded in mystery from the company itself, it is often difficult for companies to determine what is or isn’t working. After extensive research and definitive studies, the web has found which rankings
The Three Keys to Successful Mobile Marketing
It has been predicted that the number of global smartphone users will surpass two billion in 2016. This means that marketing departments are still scrambling to tweak their campaigns, messages, strategies and budgets to better reflect the importance of mobile advertising. The glut of information available on the web makes it difficult to tell valuable advice from what is outdated or misinformed. Everyone seems to be an expert these days on being “mobile-friendly,” and jargon like infinite scroll, responsive design, interstitials
Mobile Users Speak: what do customers want out of your website?
There is a reason that people say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The opinion that people have of you is usually formed within a matter of seconds, and the first three seconds that someone spends on your website can usually make or break their purchase. It could be anything from load times to information or colour schemes. Lucky for us, a tech company named HubShout conducted an exhaustive survey to find out what customers
How to Improve Your Content Marketing Game
They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We can’t argue with that. If you were to translate that over into the world of e-commerce and SEO, then it would be “the way to Google’s heart is through content.” The words, images, and videos that you use are the most powerful tools at your disposal in your battle to the top of SERPs. This is how you are going to get people to read, click,
Google Loses “Right to be Forgotten” Appeal
The fact that anyone who happens to be anywhere at any time can look you up, and find out just about anything that they want about you is something that has unsettled both the public and privacy regulators throughout the world. Measures to limit this practice, widely known as “the right to be forgotten” have been put in place across Europe so that people’s privacy can be protected if they so desire. France, always known to be one of the staunchest
Why You Need Good Content Marketing: and that stats to prove it
By now we all realize that killer content is the best way to keep your users interested, gain traction on social media, generate new leads via organic search, and pretty much everything else that goes with SEO these days. Which is why it is so surprising to us that the internet is rife with big companies that don’t care, or don’t care enough about how their content looks. It seems that the importance of the information on their site hasn’t
Finding the Content Sweet Spot: which kinds of content get both likes and shares
Using social media to grow your business is no secret in the E-commerce world. In fact, some surveys show that more than 80% of all small businesses do it, and we wouldn’t be surprised if those figures were precisely accurate. Being able to reach such a wide audience for pennies on the dollar when compared to traditional advertising makes social media the place to go to make your brand. But what is the secret? How do you become CrossFit and
Don’t Put All of Your SEO Eggs in One Basket: lessons from recent times
There are plenty of old sayings that people repeat on a daily basis: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, or don’t bark up the wrong tree. Today we are going to examine one of our personal favorites: don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Just ask Detroit, and the rest of the rust belt how things work out when you build your foundation on one