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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30 | Sat, Sun - Closed 5500 Avenue Royalmount suite 110, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1H7 1-866-755-2583 info@bluehatmarketing.com

Conversion Optimization

When you click through to a website from an external link, you are going to end up on a landing page. The landing page is like the entryway into a great theme park. It needs to convince your guests that your rides are worth going on. Your site’s bounce rate, or how often a user exits your web page shortly after landing on it, is heavily affected by how well your landing page is constructed. There is a lot of

If your e-commerce store has a product that has been discontinued or is out of stock, do you know what you should do with the page, from an SEO perspective? Should you create a 404 error page? Keep the product page active even though the product is no longer available? Use an automatic redirect to send users to a similar product? These are questions that a number of e-commerce stores face each day, especially when they may have a product page

Your landing page can make or break the sale, and you usually have only a few seconds to capture the viewer’s attention, gain their trust, and close the deal. A properly optimized landing page has the ability to exponentially increase your ROI, and more often than not a few tweaks to your page can be a huge advantage over other competitors. Since the “five second rule”- the amount of time you have to draw in your customer - applies as

So you’ve set up a landing page associated to your ads displaying all over the internet, selling a particular product or service. Just putting up a landing page is easy enough, but there’s really no point to it unless your page successfully compels visitors to buy what you’re selling. The question is: what does your landing page have to contain in order to convert visitors into buyers? Every potential customer is unique, and so is every product or service. Despite this,

Traditionally, the business world has always valued expertise, and for good reason. Even our educational systems are set up to provide students with a broad base of general knowledge, and slowly work them up to the point where they can be considered the master of a certain field of study. When it comes to marketing, having a single skill set or deep knowledge in a particular field was often enough to get you a good gig writing, or if you

Does your website have a high bounce rate? Here’s what you can do to fix it. Many websites do experience a high bounce rate - that is, when visitors arrive and then leave almost immediately. In fact, bounce rates of up to 80% are frequently reported through Google analytics. That’s 80% of visitors simply leaving upon seeing your site! Not only does a high bounce rate affect your search engine rankings, it also means you are losing up to