3 Misunderstood Metrics That Are Costing You Money
You’ve probably heard of companies that have effectively doubled their traffic just by changing the colour of one of their buttons or the blog that increased profits by 10x only by checking a heat map. So why aren’t those miracles happening to your website, too? In this blog, we’ll cover three analytical metrics that are often misunderstood and are probably costing your business money as we speak. Bounce Rate Bounce rate is a pretty simple metric—the percentage of single interaction visits to
How a Small business Can Increase Sales Leads by 67%: A Company Blog!
The most beautiful company site in the world won’t be of much use if it isn’t generating any traffic and sales leads. In this blog, find out how maintaining a company blog full of targeted keywords and links can increase your sales leads by 67%. As a small business owner, having a website where your customers can find you Online should be a top priority. But it isn’t enough to simply have a site anymore. The competition these days is too
7 On-Page SEO Tricks That Will Improve Your Traffic Immediately
Even though great search engine optimization requires a lot of work and time, there are still plenty of “hacks” that you can do right now (after you’re done reading this!) that will boost your businesses web traffic. In this entry, we’ll focus on some on-page SEO tips that will start bringing more visitors to you right away. On-page SEO is like the basic equipment for a sport: it doesn’t matter how much the rules or tactics of the game change, you
Why Your Business Needs Great Web Design—and the Stats to Prove it
There is no greater asset to your company than a beautifully designed website. Stunning design engages visitors, keeps them on your site longer, and helps push them down your sales funnel. To help you understand how BlueHat’s web design team helps to increase sales, we’ve compiled some recent stats from across the web on how web design and SEO work together to grow your company We’ve entered an age where making a company website is easier than ever before. With 81%
Toronto Web Design SEO Checklist: How to Make Your Business Rank in the Local Area
The Facts: 77% of agencies believe poor web design is a client weakness 38% of customers will stop engaging with a site if the layout is unattractive Mobile devices account for nearly 2 out of 3 seconds spent Online Ranking your Toronto company Online is the fastest and most affordable way to grow your business; but what good is it if the website doesn’t convert visitors to customers? Great web design for desktop and mobile is the key to building trust,
Your New Website Checklist
We all know how important a website is, but what most aren’t aware of are the specific factors that make a new website a valuable tool for your business. In fact, the majority of business owners go into the process blind, and simply ask someone to make them a website. Whether you are building your first site or moving an old one to a newly updated version, there are some things you should do to make sure it is up
The Importance of Site Performance
Why you need to make sure your site is up to speed. There is always much ado about Google’s super secretive algorithm, and how we can best adapt our web pages to it. In recent times, though, Google and other search engines have moved away from the science of SEO, and have incorporated more of the art of the craft. By art we mean more of the quasi-intangible factors that go into SEO. The two main aspects they’ve improved on in
Comment savez-vous si votre site web est optimisé?
Il a été dit qu'un site web est comme une carte de visite en ligne. En fait, un site web, c'est tellement plus que cela. Dans plusieurs cas, le site est l’entreprise. Grâce à lui, vous pouvez rapidement et facilement informer vos clients sur vos nouveaux produits, vos événements à venir, vos promotions spéciales ou les nouveaux services que vous offrez. Dans le monde des affaires d'aujourd'hui, ne pas avoir un site fonctionnel est comme avoir une voiture sans carburant. Votre
L’équipe de Bluehat se réjouit en 2014
2014 a été une année très active pour l'équipe BlueHat Marketing. Tout d'abord, TopSEOs.com, une autorité indépendante et respectée qui évalue et classe les agences de marketing nmérique au Canada, a reconnu BlueHat Marketing comme une entreprise extrêmement florissante, nous nommant numéro 1 en recherche intégrée (SEO et PPC) parmi toutes les entreprises au Canada. Ceci a été suivi par la reconnaissance de l'autorité indépendante sur les services de conception de sites Web, Bestwebdesignagencies.com, avec un classement au sommet des sociétés
L’ importance de l’expérience utilisateur dans l’optimisation SEO
L'optimisation des moteurs de recherche est de plus en plus aller au-delà répondre simplement aux besoins des moteurs de recherche pour comprendre l'expérience utilisateur. L'une des différences les plus importantes entre les plateformes et sites traditionnels de communication (TV, radio), c'est le rôle du consommateur. Plates-formes de médias traditionnels traitent les consommateurs passive, tandis que les visiteurs du site sont des agents actifs qui déterminent le contenu qu'ils reçoivent, dans quel ordre et pour combien de temps. Pourquoi se concentrant sur