Google is Improving the User Experience of its Search Results Page
Google’s search engine results page (SERP) is a constantly evolving mechanism that helps users across the world get instant access to the information they are looking for, and with recent changes implemented by the search giant, it will be even more accessible. In line with Google’s attempt to make everything more user-friendly, the SERP has evolved to offer more information in more intelligent formats. We can now see videos, information, maps, and other helpful stuff right at the top of the
Local SEO Bootcamp Part 3: go the extra mile
Gaining a foothold, growing a web presence, and generating traffic in your local market from scratch are not easy, but the rewards are worth the grit and grind. Now that you’ve read about the basics and how to take it to the next level, it’s time to cover how local SEO experts go the extra mile to deliver top notch results to their clients. These local SEO tips and tricks are for when you have already built a solid presence and
Local SEO Bootcamp Part 2: how to dominate the local market
Now that you know the basics of how to build your local web presence from the ground up from part one of this article series, we need to move on to the more intricate details of local SEO. Local search engine optimization is as much about art as it is about science, but there are plenty of concrete ways to improve your site or campaign immediately to start appearing higher on the search engine results page (SERP). In fact, 67%
Local SEO Boot Camp: How to Local SEO your Business – Part 1
Build your business’ web presence from the ground up If you’re a business that relies on the local population for your living, then you know that having a web presence that is optimized to rank highly on search engines is essential to being competitive in the local market. Everyone is doing it, but few are doing it the right way. The facts behind local SEO are staggering: 50% of all mobile searches are for local results, and 61% result in a
How to Hyper-Localize Your Local SEO
Businesses in the physical world are quickly realizing that optimizing their web presence to increase visibility in their local market is the future of marketing, and that there is no more efficient way of increasing visibility, raising brand awareness, and bringing customers in the door. Local marketing budgets are expected to rise 52% by 2018. Gaining a large portion of the local market share means honing in on the right keywords, maintaining a presence on social media, ensuring accurate listings, and
More Local SEO Tips to Cope With the New Landscape
Not only have we covered in detail how to shift your local SEO strategy in the “post-snackpack” world, but we have also covered some interesting statistics that show that a lot of small business owners aren’t investing in SEO as much as they should be. As with any good strategy, you need to review new details and changes, and tweak your game a little bit to stay relevant. It’s a game of adjustments, so to speak. So let’s look at
Why Small Business Owners Should Invest in SEO
When a user searches for a product or service online, you want your website to be at or near the top of the results (75% of users never click on results that aren’t in the top three). While nobody will claim that these services are cheap, there is no denying that they are effective, with SEO leads generating a close rate 7-8 times higher than most traditional outbound marketing leads. Many small business owners are on the fence about investing
Google Updates My Business APP: does it help, and is it worth it?
Having a My Business page is a great way to put your small business out there, and have all of your information at your customer’s fingertips. On this page you can have everything from your address and zip code to photos and your opening hours. With more and more people searching on the go as time goes by, you better have a presence on social media and other pages like Google+ or else you are doing yourself a serious disservice.
A Deeper Understanding of the Local Area: Google adds to the “Explore” function to maps
You can say a lot about Google, but make no mistake that they are hard at work every day trying to come up with ways to make their service better. The little search engine that could has come a long way, and now dominates life on the internet. Their continual dedication to personalizing services, and adding new functions to cater to people’s specific desires has taken another step forward. Google has officially made improvements to the Explore function of their
How to Drive Traffic to Your Site Using Google+
Despite the recent news that Google is going to drop Google+ as a requirement for its services, the social network will still be very valuable to businesses going forward. We have already covered why Google+ is going to remain important to your business, but few are actually leveraging the website correctly. The nature of this network’s usage is different than others; couple that with its different user base and advantages, and you see that it is a totally different beast than