3 SEO Predictions for 2018
The SEO landscape is constantly evolving. Algorithm updates, increased competition, and technological innovation create new challenges that businesses and their marketers must overcome. But each new challenge also brings new opportunities. 2018 promises to be an exciting and lucrative year for companies that choose to invest in SEO services. In this entry, we make three bold predictions for search engine optimization in 2018. At BlueHat Marketing, we take pride in being at the forefront of the SEO industry. We are constantly
The 3 Best Social Media Platform for Business
Social media platforms have been a game changer in everything—nowhere, more so, than in business. With unprecedented abilities to target prospective customers, interact with them on a mass scale, and provide custom experiences, each social site is a powerful business tool that, when used properly, can spur massive growth for businesses of all sizes. But which ones are the best to use? Low barrier to entry, low margin for error, and unlimited potential for growth? Check. That’s social media when it
3 Local SEO Strategies That Sound Great but Are Terrible!
History is full of bright ideas that looked great at first but turned out horribly wrong. In the hyper-competitive world of local SEO, we see it daily. This blog covers three strategies we see business owners implementing every day that sound like a surefire hack but are actually hurting your business. Reintroducing a species to its historical habitat only to see it destroy livestock; breaking into your own house after forgetting the key only to set off the alarm; educating
How to Make Social Media and SEO Work Together (and Make More Money!)
In the past, social media and SEO were two separate disciplines. Those days are long gone. Today, social media and SEO are inextricably intertwined to the point that industry experts claim “social is the new SEO”. SEO insights can enhance your social strategy and social signals may have an effect on rankings—but the relationship hardly ends there. In this blog, we will explain how to make these two marketing strategies work in unison and greatly increase profits for your business. Social
3 Social Media Strategies That Instantly Boost Small Business Rankings
What You Need to Know 81% of marketers have integrated social media to increase the “discoverability” of their websites online (source) Link-building, one of the most important SEO factors, is driven primarily by mastering social media networks Your social profiles can actually rank in search engines! This gives you another way to be discovered by potential customers Facebook gets 1 billion queries per day. Many of these searches are for local businesses (source) Social media, SEO, and online marketing are so
Do Good Reviews Really Matter for Local Search?
Remember when you wanted something and either had to get a big yellow book, or just go to the one place around the corner that you always went to? Those days are gone for good, and in are the days when you can search for anything you want in your local area, immediately get a flood of results, and pick the one that suits you best. Local searches lead 50% of customers to visit a location on the same day, so
The Importance of Social, Video and Blogs: How They Help You Grow
There was a time in the not-too-distant past when your town had a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker, and everyone went to them any time they needed their services. No advertising necessary. Things are easy when you don’t have competition. These days that just won’t cut it. You can buy food from 5,000 miles away and have it at your door in no time, pick from a dozen specialty bake shops in the metro area, and, well, nobody
Vous devriez augmenter votre activité sur Google Plus
Négligez-vous votre profil Google Plus ? Ce n’est peut-être pas une bonne idée. Google Plus est actuellement le deuxième plus grand réseau social au monde, selon l'Indice Global Web. Il croît plus rapidement que Facebook et a plus d'utilisateurs à l'échelle mondiale que LinkedIn et Instagram combinés. Malgré ces statistiques superficiellement impressionnantes, il s'avère que seul un faible pourcentage des utilisateurs de Google Plus est actif. BlueHat Marketing a décidé d'enquêter plus loin. Nous avons analysé les profils des influenceurs et