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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

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Search Engine Optimization

The modern digital marketplace is competitive beyond comprehension. Your customers have a functionally unlimited supply of businesses, content, and products to choose from. Meeting this demand requires being both visible and persuasive. Comprehensive SEO is the key to appearing when your target audience searches, but content is what makes them click, engage, and ultimately, buy. When combined into one marketing campaign, it becomes an unbeatable one-two punch. Here’s a deeper look into how the partnership between SEO and content works in

In a world where a 1-second delay causes a 16% drop in customer satisfaction, your customers can be won over or completely lost in a second. Poor web design resulting in slow loading times is one of the most common issues holding businesses back from increasing their rankings, attracting more customers, and making more sales. In this blog, we’ll cover a few simple tips to get your site loading faster immediately so you can start driving more web traffic. If your

88% of your customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and the majority of local customers read several reviews before making a purchasing decision. A new Google update has changed the game, increasing the importance of reputation management and local SEO as we know it. Find out how your business could be affected. As a local business, your goal is to rank in the results that appear on the map on the very first page of Google. This “map

The most beautiful company site in the world won’t be of much use if it isn’t generating any traffic and sales leads. In this blog, find out how maintaining a company blog full of targeted keywords and links can increase your sales leads by 67%. As a small business owner, having a website where your customers can find you Online should be a top priority. But it isn’t enough to simply have a site anymore. The competition these days is too

Even though great search engine optimization requires a lot of work and time, there are still plenty of “hacks” that you can do right now (after you’re done reading this!) that will boost your businesses web traffic. In this entry, we’ll focus on some on-page SEO tips that will start bringing more visitors to you right away. On-page SEO is like the basic equipment for a sport: it doesn’t matter how much the rules or tactics of the game change, you

There is no greater asset to your company than a beautifully designed website. Stunning design engages visitors, keeps them on your site longer, and helps push them down your sales funnel. To help you understand how BlueHat’s web design team helps to increase sales, we’ve compiled some recent stats from across the web on how web design and SEO work together to grow your company We’ve entered an age where making a company website is easier than ever before. With 81%

The Facts: 77% of agencies believe poor web design is a client weakness 38% of customers will stop engaging with a site if the layout is unattractive Mobile devices account for nearly 2 out of 3 seconds spent Online Ranking your Toronto company Online is the fastest and most affordable way to grow your business; but what good is it if the website doesn’t convert visitors to customers? Great web design for desktop and mobile is the key to building trust,

Contrary to some of the negativity floating around the web from people who’ve done it wrong, or from companies who didn’t get the results they expected, SEO is not dead; in fact, it is alive and thriving. With total SEO-related spend to reach $80 billion by 2020, there’s a major reason why so many companies are investing in promoting their business Online: it works. Even with Penguin, Panda, Polar Bear, or any other mammalian name Google cooks up to denote its

With all of the focus on paid ads, keywords, link building, and local listings, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there’s one thing that truly drives the trends behind anything and everything search engine related: the searchers themselves. Much like athletes giving a shout-out to all of their fans at the end of a gruelling season, we in the SEO community would like to thank the searchers for all of the support that they give us each week. Without them, this

A mysterious update has sent shockwaves throughout the web over the last few days, but Google isn’t ready to comment yet. Find out how it could affect your site in this blog. Google updates its algorithm hundreds, even thousands of times per year, but most of the tweaks they make have very little effect on anyone. Every once in a while, though, an update earthquake shakes the ground across the web, leaving many unsuspecting sites lying in the rubble. As long as