The Facts Behind Inbound Marketing
Before the advent of the internet, the history of advertising had long been dominated by loosely targeted messages in and around a company’s market, or on some form of mass media. Outbound marketing (where you find customers via traditional means) was pretty much your only option. Things have changed in recent times, though. The ubiquity of the internet, the ability to seamlessly find specific information, and the affordability of new marketing techniques has given birth to inbound marketing (where you bring
SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2016
The end of the year is fast approaching and as 2015 quickly turns into 2016 we should all take note of how the landscape of the industry has changed. SEO is a very fluid game, and certain things become more or less important as the months go by. The one thing that remains is just how viable SEO still is (it was the most effective source for bringing in new customers for 85% of online retailers last year). One of the
Google Officially Penalizes Giant Interstitial Apps
In a wild world where consumers of content and users of mobile apps are at peril from greedy companies looking to exploit their screen space, there is one protector standing up for them. Google has consistently used its mighty pull in the world to create the best user experience possible on mobile. Its “mobile friendly algorithm” penalizes apps and websites that aren’t friendly to mobile users, and as of yesterday its penalty for interstitial apps is live. What is an interstitial? When
The Importance of Social, Video and Blogs: How They Help You Grow
There was a time in the not-too-distant past when your town had a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker, and everyone went to them any time they needed their services. No advertising necessary. Things are easy when you don’t have competition. These days that just won’t cut it. You can buy food from 5,000 miles away and have it at your door in no time, pick from a dozen specialty bake shops in the metro area, and, well, nobody
Do You Need Content to Drive SEO and Sales? Absolutely.
Many business owners find themselves at a crossroads: they need to find a way to stand out among the competition, but they also need to find a way to keep costs down in order to remain competitive. This means that shelling out a lot of money for new marketing gimmicks, opening new locations, or expanding the work force is usually out of the question. That’s why so many have turned to the internet to help their business grow. If you are
Drive Shares, Build a Reputation, and Spur Engagement by Re-Publishing
Content marketing is a lot of things: valuable, interesting, complex, and volatile, just to name a few. But there is one thing that it is not: linear. As SEOs, marketers, or just content writers, we often get caught up in certain strategies or processes that have worked in the past and stick to them. For example, we might research a bunch of keywords, put them in order, and churn out a new blog every day using just those terms alone.
Mobile Users Speak: what do customers want out of your website?
There is a reason that people say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The opinion that people have of you is usually formed within a matter of seconds, and the first three seconds that someone spends on your website can usually make or break their purchase. It could be anything from load times to information or colour schemes. Lucky for us, a tech company named HubShout conducted an exhaustive survey to find out what customers
How to Improve Your Content Marketing Game
They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We can’t argue with that. If you were to translate that over into the world of e-commerce and SEO, then it would be “the way to Google’s heart is through content.” The words, images, and videos that you use are the most powerful tools at your disposal in your battle to the top of SERPs. This is how you are going to get people to read, click,
Are Your Links Just Not “Clicking”? How to Write Meta Descriptions to Get Clicks
When a user searches for something and the results appear on the search engine results page (SERP), there is a little snippet of information below the link that gives them an idea about what will be on the page that follows. This is called the meta description. Usually only a few characters long, and not bolded like the link itself, it is often overlooked. How to do them properly might seem to be a lost art, but the thing is,
Google Loses “Right to be Forgotten” Appeal
The fact that anyone who happens to be anywhere at any time can look you up, and find out just about anything that they want about you is something that has unsettled both the public and privacy regulators throughout the world. Measures to limit this practice, widely known as “the right to be forgotten” have been put in place across Europe so that people’s privacy can be protected if they so desire. France, always known to be one of the staunchest