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Social Media Marketing

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when your town had a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker, and everyone went to them any time they needed their services. No advertising necessary. Things are easy when you don’t have competition. These days that just won’t cut it. You can buy food from 5,000 miles away and have it at your door in no time, pick from a dozen specialty bake shops in the metro area, and, well, nobody

Using social media to grow your business is no secret in the E-commerce world. In fact, some  surveys show that more than 80% of all small businesses do it, and we wouldn’t be surprised if those figures were precisely accurate. Being able to reach such a wide audience for pennies on the dollar when compared to traditional advertising makes social media the place to go to make your brand. But what is the secret? How do you become CrossFit and

It’s no secret these days that the internet is where you want to be to get noticed and sell something. The only problem is that everyone else probably knows that too. The good thing is that all you have to do is do it better than them, and you will find yourself reaching tens of thousands of people on a daily basis. Ideally, you want a mix of organic and paid advertising, and the best place to do this is

Google may have dropped their social child Google+ as a requirement to access their services, but that doesn’t mean that you should totally forsake it. First, the not-so-popular social network is still good for a multitude of things, and just because YouTube users don’t like it, doesn’t mean that you should get rid of it. The tech giant plans on keeping its ill-fated network, and it is in the process of being rebranded, or so it has been hinted at

As more and more people turn to their smartphone to find the products and services they want and need, businesses – of all shapes and sizes – are having to adapt to the change. In fact, 54 percent of all smartphone users are accessing the Google Map app to find what they are looking for locally. With all this phone searching going on, it is not surprising that the conversation is heating up as well. A study by Google has shown that up

In its never-ending quest to be the absolute best at everything, Google has made some convenient changes that will help searchers do a whole lot more when they use the search engine to look for something. Bing released a similar service at the beginning of this year where users could order food through their website. Google, never one to be outdone, followed suit, and now offers you the ability to place orders at restaurants, make reservations, and book appointments. What exactly are

The most recent estimates put the number of social media users at 2.1 billion people worldwide, making it by far one of the most lucrative platforms for reaching customers. The ability to engage customers, target ads, create a brand, and manage a following has turned the traditional world of business on its head and made a lot of unsuspecting nerdy people rich (and some poor, too). Even with all of the advancements and changes in the social marketing world, there are

They say that social media is the new SEO. While that might not be the whole truth, it is safe to say that the power of social media is something to be reckoned with. A staggering 74% of adults are on social media, so it’s no wonder that companies are breaking down the door to get into this lucrative advertising universe. The problem is that like many other industries, there are many people doing it but few doing it right. Social

Negative reviews will happen to the best of us - we are all human and despite your best efforts, your business will receive one from time to time. Some reviews are positive criticisms, providing helpful insights on how to better manage your business. Others unfortunately are not so helpful and perhaps a little inflammatory and hurtful. Regardless of how they make you feel, those need to be addressed as well. Never ignore a negative review. The decision to stick your head

While many businesses are still shying away from fully entering the waters of social media, real estate agents seem to have dived in headfirst. Professionals working in the real estate industry are now using social media tools and platforms as a means to promote their services and reach out to a wider circle of home buyers and sellers. This should not come as a surprise to us, after all real estate is an industry that has long depended on referrals