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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30 | Sat, Sun - Closed 5500 Avenue Royalmount suite 110, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1H7 1-866-755-2583 info@bluehatmarketing.com


As a prominent Toronto SEO and marketing company, BlueHat Marketing is also a leading name throughout Canada for keyword research, link building, pay-per-click advertising, content creation, social media strategy, and many more services. A Focus on Integrity Our company is rapidly emerging as the most preferred service provider for businesses looking for increased visibility, brand awareness and higher sales. Through our tried and tested SEO packages, we are making life easier for local businesses looking to boost their search engine rankings using

Search engines have definitely revolutionized the way businesses and corporations market themselves. Consider this - when was the last time you used the yellow pages to look up a business? You probably can’t remember! Consumers searching for a specific type of product or service today are more likely to resort to search engines than the more traditional methods that were previously used to find a company. In the case of businesses serving a particular geographical area, search results take on

During the holiday shopping season, online merchants looking to become more visible online and gain an edge over competitors absolutely need to invest in search engine optimization. E-retailers who do not implement comprehensive SEO/SEM practices will miss out on chances to drive profits from the millions of dollars consumers are expected to spend for goods and services online this year. Generally speaking, your website should be optimized according to your target market. This is of course easier said than done, but

Pendant la saison des fêtes, les commerçants qui cherchent à devenir plus visible sur Internet et d’obtenir un avantage sur leurs concurrents ont absolument besoin d'investir dans l'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche. Les détaillants sur Internet qui ne mettent pas en œuvre des pratiques de SEO et de SEM rateront leurs chances de générer des profits à partir des millions de dollars que les  consommateurs sont censés dépenser pour des produits et des services en ligne cette année. D'une manière générale,

Facebook has been allowing users to rate businesses on a five-star scale since early 2012, but the ratings were not displayed prominently on business pages. In November 2013, Facebook put the ratings front and center on these pages, turning them into a crucial element of any business page’s Facebook presence. Previously, marketers relied solely on Facebook “Likes” as a way to gauge interest and engagement with their business. Although the number of Likes a business has may indicate how present it

Facebook a permis aux usagers de coter les entreprises sur une échelle de cinq étoiles depuis le début de 2012, mais ces évaluations n'ont pas été affichées clairement sur les pages d'affaires. Depuis novembre 2013, Facebook affiche les cotes dans un endroit plus visible sur ces pages, les transformant en élément crucial de n'importe quelle page Facebook d'entreprise. Auparavant, les commerçants s’appuyaient uniquement sur les ​​"Likes" de Facebook comme un moyen de mesurer l'intérêt et l'engagement de leur entreprise. Bien que

In their continuous quest to improve the effectiveness of their search algorithms, Google recently rolled out an update that focuses on local search results. Named ‘Pigeon’ by industry authority Search Engine Land, this update is perhaps one of the most relevant to date when it comes to small and medium businesses. On the whole, Google has sought to improve the experience of consumers searching for products and services in their area with this update. Pigeon refines the accuracy of local search

There are many different criteria that search engines take into account when ranking a web page. One of the most important ones has always been the actual page content, from the titles and paragraphs on the main pages, to the dedicated professional blogs that keep the website fresh. Throughout the history of search engine updates, such as those of Google, the focus has always been on improving the quality of websites’ content by punishing spammy and low quality writing. It’s all about

Most small-to-medium business owners that have a physical location -from plumbers and electricians to car dealers- have heard about local SEO, but many don’t know what it is or how they can use it. It’s a strategy that can increase sales as well as improve ROI for a business, so it’s in every owner’s best interest to get to know how it works. That’s where “the experts” come in. There are a lot of sources for SEO tips on the Internet,

C'est maintenant un fait indiscutable: la grande majorité des gens utilisent Google pour trouver ce dont ils ont besoin quand il s'agit de produits et services dans leur région. Avec la montée des smartphones et des technologies de géo-localisation, rechercher une entreprise dans votre région pour répondre à vos besoins n'a jamais été plus facile et plus répandu. Des études ont également montré que plus de 80% de tout le trafic de site web provient des moteurs de recherche et