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Leading company in website design and development, search engine optimization, social media and online marketing.

Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30 | Sat, Sun - Closed 5500 Avenue Royalmount suite 110, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1H7 1-866-755-2583 info@bluehatmarketing.com


SEO, like all other things in the world, is constantly evolving. There was a time when you could stuff a page full of keywords, and trick search engines into thinking you were the expert on a topic. Nowadays, that approach is useless - and even dangerous at times. There are 3 trends for the next year in SEO that will surely dominate the practice. Make sure you are ready for them. Google will look for more user-tailored results Google has already begun

As if paid advertising on Google wasn’t already incredibly valuable, new updates to the SERP have made the top spots even more lucrative. New display abilities, and new limitations put on organic results from the “snackpack” update have made visibility at the top of the SERP your ticket to fortune and fame. In keeping with the trend of discussing Google’s updates, and how important the top results are, we thought that we would bring you some wisdom as to how

Another day, another change from the folks over at Google. As part of their continuing dedication to improving search from a user perspective, they have now introduced expandable site links on mobile. We already knew that they had been testing this, but now it’s official. Being able to be found by your customers via mobile is essential to doing business these days, and Google wants us all to know that if we play by their rules, we reap the benefits.

SEO may seem like it is an overly complex recipe for success that can only be known by the chosen few. There are so many different factors and intricate details involved in having a well-rounded SEO campaign that it can sometimes be hard to decipher exactly what is affecting what, and how one factor leverages another. There are many people out there who are professionals that dedicate their careers to mastering this craft. Even they can be overwhelmed, though. If you

If you are involved in the world of e-commerce, then you know how important it is to have great, high-quality content. Not only do we think so, but Google also thinks so - and what they say goes. Having interesting, engaging, helpful and original content is the recipe for success, and without it, you are going to see people turn elsewhere. With it, you can obtain high rankings in the SERPs, drive traffic to your site, and gain a dedicated following.

Having a large following either on social media or for your website in general is a great way to get your product, service, or expertise in front of a large group of people. The power is exponential. They tell their friends, and their friends, etc. But just having any following shouldn’t be the goal. You want a dedicated audience - one that will interact, engage, and buy what you are selling, or at least tell other people about it. While

Google’s powerful algorithm is like your grandmother’s secret recipe. It’s delicious, life-altering, and powerful, but nobody really knows what is inside of it. You have a good idea of what it might be, but you are never really sure. The algorithm has the ability to make or break your site, and will not hesitate to banish you if you don’t comply. The quest to figure out what comprises the elusive formula is like the search for El Dorado, the race

Despite the recent news that Google is going to drop Google+ as a requirement for its services, the social network will still be very valuable to businesses going forward. We have already covered why Google+ is going to remain important to your business, but few are actually leveraging the website correctly. The nature of this network’s usage is different than others; couple that with its different user base and advantages, and you see that it is a totally different beast than

Google’s local search results function is great for small and large businesses alike. When someone searches in your local area, your information, location, number, hours, photos, and pretty much everything else about your company is posted right in front of their faces, and shows them how to get to you. As always, though, we should expect fluid changes from these titans of the search engine world as they look for ways to best serve their customers and business interests. New

Google has made its stance on having a mobile-friendly website clear. “Mobilegeddon” or so the mobile update from the tech giant was called, showed that they meant business. You either have a mobile-friendly site, or you feel the wrath. It is amazing that in this day and age, with all of the talk going around about needing a web page that adapts to people’s mobile tendencies, that so many companies still don’t have one. A study done by Moovweb has