How to Write Better Content to Drive Traffic
If you are involved in the world of e-commerce, then you know how important it is to have great, high-quality content. Not only do we think so, but Google also thinks so – and what they say goes. Having interesting, engaging, helpful and original content is the recipe for success, and without it, you are going to see people turn elsewhere.
With it, you can obtain high rankings in the SERPs, drive traffic to your site, and gain a dedicated following. But how do you do it when 2 million blogs are published per day? How, in a world dominated by endless amounts of lifeless 500 word articles, dull content pages, and robotic-sounding how-tos, does one write better? Good thing there are rules on how to write better content to drive traffic that the world’s best writers agree on. Let’s delve a little deeper.
Make your keywords fit in more naturally
Writing better content is really hard. Here is an article on how to write better content. That is how you are going to see the keywords of this article written in the majority of blogs about this topic. While ending your intro with the keyword phrase in some form or another is fine, and sometimes even unavoidable, in general it is just lazy. Even though it lets the keyword stick out, it really isn’t how humans communicate naturally. Imagine speaking to a car salesman on the lot, and then hearing them say “we have some of the best new and used models for you. Here are the 3 bestselling models for 2015.” It doesn’t sound natural, does it?
The best approach for this is to make it sound how we naturally speak. Try putting the keyword into a different phrase, maybe even fitting it in the middle of the sentence. Don’t put the keyword phrase alone as the final sentence of your introduction. Imagine if the car salesman sounded like this instead: “We have some of the best new and used models here, and the 3 bestselling models for 2015 are available now on special deals.” A lot more natural sounding, isn’t it? In general, you want to write the keywords when you aren’t trying to write them. Don’t think about putting them in, just let it happen.
Do more research
The greatest thing about the internet is that it is full of the sum of human knowledge, and everything written is basically freely available. If someone in your industry or niche is successful, then see what they are doing. Don’t copy them, just take cues. Better yet, simply google “best __ articles of 2015” to see which ones are succeeding at this moment in time. Some of the best places to look on the web for inspiration other than competitors are internet forums like Reddit and the sources on Wikipedia. There is a treasure trove of information to be had, and when you can better tune yourself in to what people are after, they will want to read what you are writing.
Tip: Don’t rule out the comments on Reddit either. Find your niches sub, see what people are posting about, and look in the comments. See if people are linking to other interesting stuff. You can find a plethora of ideas on this site.
Write visually
When you write, write so that people can see what you are writing. Not just with their eyes, but with their minds. People don’t learn from being told things directly – they learn by hands-on practice or relation. One amazing aspect of the human brain is its ability to recognize patterns, and to understand similes and symbolism. When writing, use examples using like or as, and give them practical comparisons between your data and everyday situations. Write by using more metaphors so that people can make the connections in their brains. Paint pictures with words. It sounds overly difficult, and perhaps a bit artistic, but it works. Instead of telling people that they need a domain, hosting, and then a website, tell them that the first two are like their address and property, and the website is like their home. It works.
The internet is full of content. The thing is, it is mostly bad content. People tend to write overly robotic, without an aim, purpose, or direction. They don’t effectively communicate. Learning how to write better content and drive traffic is a difficult process, but with these three tips you will be way ahead of the game. Remember to focus on natural sounding phrases, better research, and writing visually. From there you are on the right path to building your audience.
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