How to Instantly Tell if Google Thinks Your Page is High-Quality
Google has made it clear that it only wants to display high-quality web pages to its users; that is, Google wants the search engine to effectively solve a user’s query as accurately and enjoyably as possible.
That means that as a business, you must have web pages that:
- Are user-friendly
- Solve a visitor’s problems
- Are structured properly to be read by the search engine (for the right terms!)
Sound hard?
It isn’t. Help from professionals will definitely boost your rankings, visits, and conversions, but there are a few things you can do right now to instantly tell if Google thinks you are providing a high-quality page to the people visiting you.
Note: The best pages on the planet are worthless unless people can find you. That’s where the value of a great SEO company comes into play!
What is High-Quality?
Before we get to the nitty gritty, we should cover what Google actually thinks is quality.
- Google wants unique content (and so do consumers. 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from you if you have unique/custom content)
- Your web page should have unique value to the visitor
- Your web page must have links
- Your page must solve a user’s query (make sure you have the right keywords)
How to Tell if You Have a High-Quality Page
Now that we know what’s on Google’s mind when it comes to what is and is not an acceptable page to show your visitors, here is how to tell if you’re doing things right:
- Does your page have unique content?: Unique, SEO-optimized, and well-written copy is absolutely key. Marketers are investing over $1 billion in unique content for web pages for one reason: it works. The content must be unique, have proper spelling, and good grammar. If Google sees your pages are poorly written or if your featured snippet on the SERP has poor spelling, your site could be penalized and your snippet removed.
- Does your page load quickly?: Online business is based on user experience. If customers can’t access your page, then you don’t stand a chance on the modern market. A properly designed website that loads quickly on any connection is key. People won’t wait around. Speaking of UX (user experience), that leads us to…
- Is your UX up-to-date?: Is it easy to consume, view, or find information on your website? Is it properly structured and simple to understand? Imagine you are a first-time visitor coming to your site, can you find what you do, who you are, and what they gain by using you? If your home page is just walls of content with no clear copy or the right keywords, you don’t have a high-quality page.
The competition for the top spots is fierce, and only businesses that offer the best user experience to their visitors have a chance to rank.
If you’re not getting many visits or new customers from your site, it could be because you don’t have quality pages. Ask yourself these three questions, and you can instantly find the answer. Professional web design, copywriting, and SEO can help you build a website that becomes a customer-converting machine, so if it’s quality you want, the best way to get it is by partnering with an experienced SEO company.
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