Proof that SEO is More Important than Ever
From the moment that search engines revolutionized the way that information was found on the web, companies realized the importance of crafting their web presence to appear at the top of their results pages. With that, search engine optimization was born. As algorithms, user tendencies, and searching habits have changed, so too has the art of SEO changed with it.
New trends come and go, new rules are implemented and updated, and new technologies change the industry in the blink of an eye, but despite what many may claim, SEO is more important than it ever has been. Search engine optimization hasn’t just survived all of the upheaval over the years – it has emerged stronger than ever. The statistics back it up.
SEO spend is at an all-time high
Despite predictions by many that SEO would begin to take a backseat to other tactics because of the nature of modern day searching, the opposite has turned out to be true. SEO-related spend is at an all-time high. According to a recent study, businesses are expected to spend $65 billion dollars this year! By 2020 that figure jumps all the way to $80 billion.
The takeaway: more and more companies have realized just how important maintaining their web presence is, and are paying professional services to help them rank higher. In a survey of major marketers, 90% said they planned to increase spending. If you’re with us, then you are already ahead of the game.
The number of searches is rising
93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. When potential customers are looking for a product or service, they nearly always turn to a search engine, and the sheer number of queries each day is increasing. Google currently processes 40,000 searches every second! Now think about it: more and more people are being connected to the web around the world each day, older generations are becoming more tech savvy, and younger people are coming of age where they have money to spend.
Traditional advertising is on its way out
The old days of buying some ad space, convincing the customer they need what you’re selling, and being as invasive as possible are nearly dead. Traditional methods of advertising are dying simply because users now have so many other options. Why be stuck in a one-way relationship with commercial ads when you can have an interactive and mutually beneficial experience on the web? 80% of users ignore paid ads and focus only on organic results. Focusing on improving your search engine rankings is the most powerful form of advertising there is, and will be for the foreseeable future.
SEO is vastly different than what it was even just a few years ago. The methods of the industry have become more sophisticated and require even more effort from both companies and their clients. But one thing is for sure and that’s SEO is more important now than it has ever been, and it shows no signs of slowing down.