SEO Statistics That You Might Not Know Of
SEO may have changed drastically from where it was just a few years ago, but it has only become more important as the years have gone by. Not only have the techniques necessary to get to the top of the search engine results page evolved, but so have users’ habits when searching.
Not long ago, having the right keywords in the right places was enough to get you what you wanted. Nowadays you often have to use multiple strategies in conjunction with each other, adapt your keyword game, and branch out into new areas to get to the top. Companies that do so succeed, while those that don’t are nowhere to be found on the first page. That being said, here are some SEO statistics that you might not know of, and why they are so important.
Organic or PPC? Why not both?
There’s a division on the SERP between the organic results and paid ads. Most users are good at spotting the difference. This dichotomy often leads people to thinking they have to choose between one or the other. Companies ask “should we focus on organic results or pay to make our ads visible?” The right answer is both. One surprising SEO statistic is that companies who combine both organic and PPC techniques get 25% more clicks and 27% more profits than those who only use one.
Single keywords are not as effective
50% of all queries on Google contain 4 or more words, meaning that the value of single keywords is dropping, while the stock of long-tail keywords is rising. Companies need to focus on more and more words related to their industry in order to succeed. The game has evolved to a point where consistently measuring keyword performance and search habits via analytics is not a luxury but a necessity.
Focusing on long-tail keywords is more important than focusing on a single keyword. “Affordable personal injury attorney” is far more effective than simply “attorney.” This means focusing your campaign around the terms users are actually searching for, writing longer-form content to hit more keywords, and diversifying your PPC ads is essential.
Be more social!
Everyone knows that social media is a great way to get in touch with your customers, but few are aware of just how important it is. 33% of millennials prefer communicating with companies via social media than any other method, and as more companies make their way to social that number can only climb. 90% of that generation is on social media at present, and their purchasing power is only growing.
Your social profile is important to your success, but don’t think it is as simple as setting one up and putting on some pictures. Since so many are on social now and many prefer it to traditional contact, you need to be proactive in maintaining your profile, interacting with customer reviews, and updating them on your company’s goings on.
SEO is very complex and constantly evolving. It takes a lot of work to stay on top of things. There might even be a few things that surprise you about it! These little-known SEO statistics show just how important it is to stay on top of new trends in the industry.