What does Google’s Algorithm Change Mean for Your Small Business?
As a small business owner, you should be aware of how much Google can influence your success. You should also know that Google is constantly adapting its search algorithms to both improve its services and reflect trends in technology and society.
This past Tuesday, Google rolled out new changes to their search algorithm that will have major effects on how businesses are ranked on mobile phones. So what do these changes mean for your small business? Well, it depends on what your business is and who the majority of your clients are, but you can be sure that it will have major implications.
What changes has Google made?
Google announced that the change would affect how a business is ranked in mobile search results. In laymen’s terms: a website that is mobile-friendly will now be favored heavily by the algorithm and ones that are not mobile-friendly will be demoted. While mobile-friendliness has always been important to SEO, it has never directly affected the search results quite to the extent that it will now.
Why is mobile so important?
The trend toward usage of mobile devices is undeniable, and as more and more people use phones to find the things they are looking to buy, Google has to adapt to ensure they are getting the most relevant, mobile-friendly results. Studies have shown that about 60% of online traffic now comes via mobile, so you can imagine that being mobile-friendly is going to be a major factor in generating sales. The statement that Google is making with this change is basically that user experience is just as important as content and the other facets of SEO, so it is something that you simply cannot ignore anymore.
What can you do?
Thankfully there are many things you can do to improve your mobile SEO. We have already covered some of them, like responsive design and local organic search. On Google’s official blog they recommend starting out by using their mobile-friendly test tool. This is a godsend for small business owners who might not be sure if they are up to speed on the latest developments in mobile SEO. You can also use their mobile usability report to audit an entire website. Either way, you need to assure that you are doing all you can to maintain your website’s mobile friendliness.
Google’s update may not directly impact everyone’s business, but you can be sure that if you are a business that relies on local, organic searches, that the changes to the algorithm will have an effect on your visibility, traffic, and when it comes down to it, sales. Be sure that you are aware of these changes, and how they can affect you. Google’s tools are a good starting point for anyone who wants to know what they need to do to comply with the changes.
Are you looking to ensure your site is mobile-friendly? Contact the experts at BlueHat.